Call for R&D Projects

Call for R&D Projects


As part of the scientific cooperation agreement signed in October 2021 between the Ziane Achour University of Djelfa and SONATRACH, this call for Research & Development projects aims to empower and assist researchers from the University of Djelfa to turn their ideas into innovative R&D projects within the scientific and technological fields related to hydrocarbon.

These projects must contribute toward solving economic challenges, integrating local products or improving the quality of work.

Eligibility Criteria:

Eligible R&D project ideas must meet the following criteria:

– Be original and innovative

– Have a strong development potential.

– Have a positive impact on the Oil&Gas sector.

Researchers from the University of Djelfa are invited to submit project proposals within the following topics which are related to SONATRACH’s areas of interest:
1- Drilling, Production & Reservoir Engineering
2- Improved / Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR – IOR)
3- Technological Mastery
4- Refining & petrochemicals
5- Materials, Corrosion & Inspection
6- Renewable energies & energy efficiency
7- Numerical Simulation, Modeling & Optimization
8- Petroleum Biotechnology and Environment

Researchers interested should fill in the form below before March 10th 2024 February 29th, 2024, in order to build a joint team and submit proposals to SONATRACH’s scientific and technical council:

To find out more about SONATRACH’s research areas, please download the following file:

For further information, please contact the Scientific Committee Secretary by phone (0561500576) or email ( ).

Scientific Committee Chairman

Djelfa University – SONATRACH

Dr. Belgacem said KHALDI